
Group CEO, Head of Sales & FVZ Sports Medicine

Joey’s career started in 1999, with lecturing before entering the commercial medical industry in 2002. He has a formidable educational background: BioMed, BioMed (Hons), and Med.Med.Sc (UKZN) and a MBA Qualification (Henley). Joey has more than 20 years of experience in business development, medical education, compliance, strategy and general management within the pharmaceutical & medical device industry.

In 2002 Joey was appointed as a Specialist Business Consultant in Oncology and progressed as an Orthopaedic Business Specialist and Business Development Consultant to South Africa, India, Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. Joey was appointed as Senior Business Development Manager for J&J (South Africa & TMEA) in 2009. He served as Chief Operating Officer (Africa) for Medmetrics (Pty) Ltd and was Executive Director (East Africa) for VanMed (Pty) Ltd for over ten years. In 2019, Joey was appointed Chief Executive Officer for the FVZ Group.

He has a proven track record in developing strategies, risk analysis, project management, business development, mergers & acquisitions, medical education, compliance and quality assurance. Joey has received numerous local & international awards for outstanding performance over the last two decades working with internationally acclaimed global leading organizations and managing renowned brands like Dyonics, Accufex, Depuy, Arthrex, Anika Parcus, Storz etc. Joey has global business experience across many skillsets working in various first world and third world markets.


Sports Medicine, Regional Branch Manager & Sales Manager


Regional Branch Manager & Sales Manager

Leon has a higher certificate in Marketing Management and has 18 years of experience in the medical industry. Leon started his career in logistics and administration for three years and was promoted to the sales/theatre tech division for sports medicine and trauma. He joined the FVZ group in 2019 as the regional manager for FVZ Sports Medicine in KwaZulu-Natal.